Frequently asked questions Preguntas frecuentes
Davinci Teeth Whitening System
Is DaVinci Teeth Whitening for everyone?
The DaVinci Teeth Whitening System provides dramatic results for anyone who wants to whiten their teeth. This includes people with teeth that have been stained by substances such as a coffee, tea, soda, smoking, etc. It will also lighten teeth stained by tetracycline, speckled by fluoride, or hereditary discoloration.
Should I consider DaVinci Teeth Whitening?
Studies have shown that people with whiter teeth look younger and that there is a correlation between high self- esteem and a bright, confident smile.
How white will my teeth get?
After whitening with the DaVinci Teeth Whiteing System, teeth shades brighten an average of five to 14 shades on the Teeth Shade Card. Although individual results will depend on how discolored the teeth were originally, the end result will be brighter, shiny teeth. Remember, everyone's teeth are different and your teeth will only go as white as your teeth will go. Everyone's teeth have a stopping point.
How long will the whitening last?
This varies from person to person and depends on your diet and lifestyle, but the effects usually last for one to three years with proper maintenance. Periodic touch-up treatments are recommended for customers who frequently consume products such as coffee, dark soda, tea, red wine, tomatoe sauce or other staining products such as tobacco.
Is DaVinci Teeth Whitening safe?
Yes, our products are made in our USA laboratories and are FDA compliant. Scientific research has shown that the active ingredients in the DaVinci Teeth Whiteing Gels are safe and effective for cosmetic teeth whiteing. The DaVinci Teeth Whitening Gel does not change or damage the structure of the teeth; it merely lifts and removes the stains, making your teeth brighter
How long does a whitening session take?
Each whitening session takes 20 minutes to complete. Start to finish your whiteing session will take 60 minutes. It takes no longer than the time it would for you to have a haircut or a facial - it is that simple!
What is the difference between DaVinci Teeth Whitening and teeth whitening performed in the dental office?
The DaVinci Teeth Whitening system uses the same technology used by other teeth whitening providers for in-office whitening and gives you great results. However, our process has been simplified so that you can administer the process yourself using our cosmetic whitening gel specially developed for the use with the LED light. Designed with the comfort and safety of the customer mind; our process is safe, gentle, and produces superior results over the teeth whitening options
Does it hurt?
Most clients experience no sensitivity during or after the session. A very small percentage of clients may feel some sensitivity on the teeth or soft tissues, especially if they consume very cold or hot foods or drinks within two hours after treatment. Therefore it is recommended that clients avoid consuming extremely hot or cold food beverages for the first two hours following the treatment. Any sensitivity is usually gone within 24 hours.
Will DaVinci Teeth Whitening work with crowns, fillings, veneers, and bridges (composite materials)?
DaVinci teeth whitening will remove staining from composite materials but will not whiten the composite materials beyond the original color of the material used. DaVinci teeth whitening works well if your natural teeth are darker than the composite materials original color. Teeth whitening is a good option if you plan to replace the crown or filling after your whitening treatment. DaVinci Teeth Whitening will not damage or hurt the composite material.
Waxing Contraindications Contraindicaciones de la depilación
Accutane must be discontinued for at least 6 months
Acne medication (Differin, Retin-A) must be discontinued for at least 2 weeks
Blood & circulatory disorders, particularly those that cause easy bruising (e.g., thrombosis)
Cancer treatments- chemotherapy & radiation may cause increased sensitivity. Advisable to wait until 6 weeks after the last cancer treatment
Epilepsy is contraindicated unless it has been controlled for a long period & with medication that does not cause easy bruising. A physician's approval must be obtained before the waxing service. (We must receive a physician's note & have you sign a release)
Diabetes, should consult with physician for the degree of severity and the degree of healing & sign a release
The area of fracture or sprain should not be waxed until it is completely healed
Clients with hemophilia, should not be waxed, because bleeding can occur, especially when removing a high percentage of anagen hairs. The removal of anagen hairs breaks the cycle of blood flow to the dermal papilla & causes bleeding in the follicle
Clients with herpes, herples simplex (cold sore) should not be waxed during active outbreaks. Prophylactic medication should be taken before waxing.
Inflamed or irritated skin should not be waxed. Lack of skin sensation can be due to circulatory problems arising from heart disease, diabtes, or multiple sclerosis. There can be an increased risk of burning, injury, or infection. These clientes should not be waxed.
Lupes- Those with mild forms of lupus & not presenting with the rash on the areas to be waxed can be waxed, but it is not advisable. At the very least, these clients should seek referrals from physicians & sign waivers.
Moles, skin tags, & warts will be avoided. Any mole that looks suspicious; has any of the pre-cancer signs of size, shape, & color; or has hair growing out of it should not be waxed without the permission of a physician
Clients who are pregnant & is considered high risk or has high blood pressure or anxiety, it is better to avoid waxing.
No scar tissue, including keloids, should be waxed over.
Sunburned areas will not be waxed. Any such area must have healed completely
Skin disorder conditions like eczema, seborrhea & psoriasis maybe waxed depending on severity
Waxing over varicose veins will be avoided, will only wax surrounding areas.
Any uncertain situation.
Accutane debe suspenderse durante al menos 6 meses
La medicacion para el acne (Differin, Retin-A) debe suspenderse durante al menos 2 semanas
Trastornos sanguineos y circulatorios, particularmemte aquellos que causan hematomas con facilidad (p. ej., trombosis)
Tratamientos contra el cancer: la quimioterapia y la radiacion pueden causar una mayor sensibilidad. Aconsejable esperar hasta 6 semanas despues del ultimo tratamiento oncologico
La epilepsia esta contraindicada a menos que haya sido controlada durante un perido prolongado y con mdeicamentos que no provoquen hematomas con facilidad. Se debe obtener la aprobacion de un medico antes del servicio de depilacion. ( debemos recibir una nota del medico y pedirle que firme un comunicado)
Diabetes, debe consultar con un medico sobre el grado de gravedad y el grado de curacion y firmar un comunicado
El area de la fractura o esguince no debe encerarse hasta que este completamente curada
Los clientes con hemofilia, no deben depilarse, ya que se puede producir sangrado, especialmente al eliminar un alto de vellos anagenos. La elimincacion de los vellos anagenos rompe el ciclo de flujo sanguineo a la papila dermica y provoca sangrado en el foliculo
Los clientes con herpes, herpes simplex (herpes labial) no deben depilarse durante los brotes activos. Se debe tomar medicacion profilactica antes de la depilacion.
La piel inflamada o irritada no debe depilarse. La falta de sensibilidad en la piel puede deberse a problemas circulatorios derivados de enfermedades cardiacas, diabetes o esclerosis multiple. Puede haber un mayor riesgo de quemaduras, lesiones o infecciones.
Lupes: las personas con formas leves de lupus y que no presentan sarpullido en las areas a depilar pueden depilarse, pero no es recomendable. Como minimo, estos clientes deben buscar referencias de medicos y firmar exenciones
Se evitaran lunares, acrocordones y verrugas. Cualquier lunar que parezca sospechoso; tiene cualquier de los signos precancerosos de tamano, forma y color; o le crece vello no de debe depilarse sin el permiso de un medico
Clientes que estan embarazadas y se considera de alto riesgo o tienen presion arterial alta o ansiedad, es mejor evitar la depilacion
No se debe encerar nigun tejifo cicatrial, incluidos los queloides
No se depilaran las zonas quemadas por el sol. Cualquier area de este tipo debe haberse curado por completo
Las condiciones de trastornos de la piel como el eccema, la seborrea y la psoriasis pueden elimanarse segun la gravedad
Se evitara la depilacion sobre varices, solo depilaran las zonas aledanas
Cualquier situacion incierta
High Frequency Contraindications Contraindicaciones de Alta Frecuencia
Couperose Skin
Inflamed areas
Metal Implants
Heart Problems
High Blood Pressure
Pregnancy Body Piercings (from the waist up; client should avoid any contact with metal; a burn may occur if such contact is made) Jewelry & piercings should be removed prior to the treatment
Piel de cuperosis
Areas inflamadas
Implantes Metálicos
Problemas del corazon
Piercings en el cuepro (desde la cintura hacia arriba; el cliente debe evitar cualquier contacto con el metal; se puede producir una quemadura si se produce dicho contacto) Las joyas y los piercings deben quitarse antes del tratamiento